The Piercing Lady

I started “The Piercing Lady” back in March 2018 as a one man band! During that time I have had 2 more babies (making it 5 in total!) and a pandemic to contend with! So I feel quite proud of myself for what I have been able to accomplish so far.

I have enjoyed every moment of building my business up to where it is today. Being a small business owner is not and has not been easy but I really do find it so rewarding! I love learning more about the piercing industry all the time, but I have also learned that I need to wear many caps; business woman, content creator, cleaner, photographer, accountant, the list is endless!

Since I started piercing I have upgraded all my jewellery to “industry standard” metals and fittings, and I will always work to improve myself wherever I can. Learning from peers and visiting other piercers is how I started to learn there really is so much more to piercing than just “sticking a needle” in someone! The metals we use for piercings, the blades and cannulas, the many different techniques for different body parts are all important to be educated on. There is always something new to learn!

I really am very lucky to have really incredible return clients, some of who I now consider friends, and whenever I meet a new client I am humbled that they have chosen me to perform their piercing. Meeting so many different people from all walks of life is just an added perk to my job!

More recently I have found myself in possession of an Apprentice!

I have known Edie since the day she was born, and it is such a privilege to watch her grow as a person and as a piercer. She amazes me with her enthusiasm and how she puts up with my daily demands! She knows I love her, and there is a real “family feel” now when we are in the studio. I can’t wait to see what the future holds!

Meet Edie

The words “I always knew you were like me”, came from Sarah when I joined the studio to help her out after she had been ill, and I absolutely fell in love with the art of piercings!

Moving into the piercing industry was scary at first, but having “Aunty Sarah” to guide me through has turned this journey into the best few months of my life.

The education system was never for me, it damaged my confidence, especially as a neurodiverse individual. Sarah saw past the number on a page and has built up my confidence, walking me through each step, and pushing me to believe in myself. Thanks to my piercing mum, I know see myself as a confident and capable young woman and I will thrive in my position with Sarah as her apprentice and jewellery tech.

My eyes have been opened throughout my journey with my piercing guru, I now look forward to going to work, trying new techniques and being a part of making client feel beautiful and confident with their new piercings and chains.”